Exploring the Latest Trends in Technology Beyond AI

Haniya Baloch
3 min readDec 1, 2024

The other area of new technology is Complete.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

This is an area holding so much promise and promise concerning technology innovation. Although it is the darling conversation piece from most of AI, it shapes much of its future from other developments and trends. For a better understanding, there follows a few of such developments along with their effects on various industries in the remainder of the article.

1. Quantum Computers

One of the most interesting arguments about these new set technologies currently is quantum computing. It is still at the baby shoes stage but promises speed that cannot be imagined. While other computers use bits 0S and 1S to compute data, quantum uses cubes. That will compute a lot at a given point in time. This class falls into millions of applications, including cryptosystems, drugs finding problems, optimization, and the very cautious applications that are placed atop of this class with companies such as IBM and Google at its front in leading quantum calculations out from laboratories towards actual applications.

2. Unveiling of 5G Technology

It marks a new horizon of development in telecommunications when 5G networks become available. It is about how much incredible promise and latency changes…



Haniya Baloch
Haniya Baloch

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